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Browse through our remote opportunities in Argentina



Argentina is a country located in the South of the American continent. It has an area of 3,761,274 km2; its territorial extension corresponds to the American continent, the Antarctic continent and the southern islands, ranking fourth among the American countries and seventh in the world. Our country is divided into 24 jurisdictions: 23 provinces and a federal district (the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires). With a population of 40,117,096 inhabitants, the Argentine Republic is characterized by being a “crisol of races” that defines the essence of Argentina. The official language is Spanish. Argentina is a country where technology companies are born that generate the interest of international investors. These startups are known as “Unicorns.”


  1. MKT: Market Research/Analyst, Content Creation, Graphic Design, Social Media marketing.

  2. BD: Sales Executive.

  3. BA: Customer Service/Support, Supply Chain Executive, Business Analyst, Human Resources.

  4. IT: Software Developer, Front-End Developer.



4 to 12 weeks


Working Culture

Outstanding qualities: Proactivity, responsibility, effective

communication and adaptability. ·


People with passion. ·


Flex Friday: Some companies have formal but relaxing environments. ·


Cultural Activities: Argentines take mate as a social activity, they are usually unpunctual and take a nap in the afternoon. ·


Greetings: Cheek-kiss as informal and handshake as formal greeting.

Our Opportunities

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